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10 Things about Mallorie from Home is with You

I am so excited to have Mallorie from Home is with You joining in on my feature.
She is so cute, travels all over the place & has a very talented husband.
I am so glad that you are going to get the opportunity to meet her on my blog.
She truly is an amazing woman!
So I am pleased to introduce you to Mallorie: 

1. Favorite snack food:
is chips and salsa, 
we go through a ton of salsa at our house!

2. Favorite place you've ever visited:
was Jamaica on our honeymoon :) 
it was perfect and we've been dying to go back ever since!

3. Favorite movie:
I can't just name one favorite movie, 
so here are a few of my top favorites...
Garden State, Across the Universe, Pretty Woman, Pirates of the Caribbean, 
and Definitely, Maybe

4. Favorite childhood memory:
I feel very blessed to say that I have so many wonderful memories it's hard to choose one. 
Christmas has always been my favorite time of year though and some of my favorite memories 
(even in recent years) 
are making Christmas candies with my Mom and decorating our tree :)

5. Favorite candle scent:
Vanilla or Pumpkin

6. Favorite way to travel:
I prefer to drive, but I travel so much that flying doesn't bother me...
I'd just rather be in our car :)

7. Favorite Starbucks drink :
Depends on the time of year...
for summer- I love a caramel frapp, 
fall- pumpkin spice, 
and winter- peppermint mocha...

8. All time favorite meal:
Anything Mexican! 
I could eat Mexican food every meal and never get sick of it.

9. If you could be on a reality show which one would you choose?:
Bethenny Getting Married! 
I just love Bethenny 
(as you can tell by reading this
and I would just love to be her friend haha. 
Between her hilarious one liners and quick wit, I know we'd get along great.

10. A fun fact about you:
In the 2 1/2 years Dave and I have been married, 
we've lived in 4 different cities...
about to be 5!

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