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10 Things about Amy from A Good Life

I am so excited to have Amy from A Good Life joining in on my feature.
She is a fantastic photographer, has the cutest son, Parker 
will have another little one very soon.
I am so glad that you are going to get the opportunity to meet her on my blog.
She truly is an amazing woman!
So I am pleased to introduce you to Amy: 
Facebook: facebook.com/agoodlifeblog

1. Favorite snack food:
Sugar cereal.
It's definitely my go-to late night snack!

2. Favorite place you've ever visited:
Sydney, Australia. 
Sam and I spent two weeks there a couple years before Parker was born
and I still say I left my heart in Sydney.
It's seriously Heaven on Earth.
Fer reals.

3. Favorite movie:
Yikes this one is hard.
I'm gonna just roll with the Christmas theme 
and say "A Christmas Story" is ONE of my all time faves.
I'm a sucker for watching it over & over during the 24 hour marathon every year on TBS.
It never gets old, right??

4. Favorite childhood memory:
Christmas morning!
Isn't that every kid's favorite?
Waking up and seeing our stockings stuffed full
and all the fun new things out that weren't there the night before.
Seriously the. best.

5. Favorite candle scent:
I'm a sucker for all food-desserty-related scents.
Christmas cookie & Sticky Cinnamon Bun are the first that come to mind.

6. Favorite way to travel:
By air! 
I love airports and the excitement that goes with them.
Getting airport food, 
a new magazine, 
and knowing that you'll get to your destination quickly is pretty much the best.

7. Favorite Starbucks drink :
Vente Peppermint Hot Chocolate w/ whip.

8. All time favorite meal:
I'm really just a meat and potatoes kinda girl.
Give me one of Sam's BBQ'd steaks w/ a big ol' baked potato with all the fixins 
and I'm a happy girl!

9. If you could be on a reality show which one would you choose?:
The Biggest Loser! 
Not to lose crazy amounts of weight or anything but I am kinda obsessed with working out 
and being able to just dedicate all kinds of time to getting in shape sounds awesome.

10. A fun fact about you:
I'm a total night owl.
I haven't gone to bed before 1:00 am in months!
I don't think it's physically possible for me to be in bed any earlier than that.

Libby Signature

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