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Get it RIght... Get it Tight

My before 1/1/14
I am back on track with my weight loss journey. 
I started back into it on January 1 
and have been keeping pretty steady at eating healthy 
and working out on a regular basis.

gym workout
As you know I've been doing a few fitness related giveaways to help kickstart me into 
really working my booty off in the gym.

family walk to the park
James and I joined a gym at the beginning of this month
and I have been to a couple of Xtend Barre classes which are so much fun.
We've also been on a few family walks when it's been warm/nice enough outside.
I plan on continuing to go to the gym regularly 
and going to Barre classes occasionally.

Barre class
I am also still on Weight Watchers 
and I have been sticking to it pretty well. 
Which has always been difficult for me in the past...
so I am pretty proud of myself right now. 

I also went and got a bunch of brand new adorable workout gear.
I wanted cute clothes to keep me motivated in going to work out in.
I knew that if I had some cute gear I'd be more likely to go so I could wear them
and they wouldn't be a waste of money. 

Wish me luck and I hope you'll stick around to see as I make progress
and change and lose weight!

1 comment:

Kelsey Homolka said...

i've seen your instagram pictures and i wanted you to know i love that you're so motivated ;) also, you can NEVER have enough workout clothes, like... ever. never!

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